만화로 알아보는 LED발광판의 특장점
(The merit of the LED lighting sheets explained in a cartoon)
루미코디네이트가 LED발광판에 관하여 설명 (LumiCoordinator to expalin LED lighting sheets) |
루미스페이스의 루미코디네이터의 등장
LED발광판의 제작 가능한 형태 (In short, a LED lighting sheet is an shining acrylic sheet of a customizable size and shape. Think about the unlimited possibility of the LED lighting sheet.) |
led 발광판 옥외 부착시 응용 디자인 형태 (Even if there are unlimited adaptability of LED lighting sheet, consider an outdoor sign.) |
형광등 파나플렉스 간판의 단점 (Consider the existing fluorescent sign. First of all, its deficit is to have dark spots after a short period of use. Further, it has used a lot of electricity and it needs a lot of maintenance cost.) |
LED 발광판을 이용한 간판 고급 디자인 연출 기법 (This is the real installation case of LED lighting sheet. It shows that the whole lighting sheets are shiny without any dark spots. It doesn't make dazzling. Even if time passes, it doesn't have any dark spot and the intensit |
LED발광판을 이용한 다양한 채널 사인 제작 형태 (This is a channel sign using LED lighting sheet. Another is for display.) |
LED 발광판을이용한 고급 진열장 디스플레이 응용 사례 (LED lighting sheets are used for display. It is used for cosmetic display.) |
LED발광판을 이용한 디스플레이 소품 응용 사례( Wow, it is beautiful. In such a small case, a lighting sheet makes the contet conspicuous.) |
옥외광고에 부착한 LED 발광판 3M - 1M (Also, the LED lighting sheet of LumiSpace can have a function of dimming and be waterproof at IP65.) |
LED 발광판 응용 사례 모음집 (A collection of the applications of LED lighting sheets) |
LED 발광판을 주문 위한 상담 연락처 (Do not hesitate to contact us. Tel) 82-2-552-4449 Fax)82-2-6008-4520 Email) |